ISP Update
The major ISPs have been making a number of changes recently. Here is a summary of some of the major changes.
AOL has made major changes in spam filtering. It has started using DKIM (domain keys identified mail) to authenticate email sent to their servers. They have also changed their whitelisting policies. Rather than having a proper whitelist, the application will basically be for AOL to learn who you are and what kind of mail you are sending. They will then use this information along with their reputation system to determine if your mail will be delivered. (More information available )
Yahoo –
Yahoo has been making some changes as well. In a recent blog post they announced that they will now be utilizing the spamhaus list to protect their members from spam. From the sound of the post many more changes are on the way. They have also updated their postmaster site so that it now provides more complete information. (Yahoo’s post and postmaster sites: )
Comcast –
Comcast has released a beta version of a feedback loop, and we at Hallmark are working on getting signed up for it. The have also changed their preferred connection settings to no more messages than 6 per second. Additionally, several domains were retired. We have updated our infrastructure to manage these changes, and updated the addresses in the retired domains to a held status.
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